Thursday, 19 November 2015

Apocalypse Now!

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Apocalypse now!
The rain lashed the pavement like some crazed madam punishing her disobedient slave. Puddles, formed, puddles merged, puddles began to take over the world. Plastic bags, soggy leaves and small children whipped up by the wind and then thrown back and forth like a senseless fairground ride. Clouds loomed within touching distance, squeezing the space between heaven and earth. Umbrellas twisted and torn from hands, rendered useless in the face of the storm.

I’d looked forward to this.  Said that I’d missed it, wished away each hour of hiraeth dreaming of Welsh rain. Funny how the mind plays tricks; conjuring scenes of romantic walks on misty cliffs, wet Welsh drizzle from Dylan’s mind. Not the scary, apocalyptic storms when it feels like the house will fly and you’ll wake in Oz, desperate to click your heels and get back to Canton. But there’s no yellow brick road, no tin man, no wicked witch or wizard, just a squall of rain smashing into my window pane, then silence. The calm in the eye of the storm.

As this is a bit short I may publish a bonus later in the day. 


  1. Looking out the window, I feel your wet pain. Also, it made me laugh. Hope it was supposed to.

  2. That's pure poetry. I would never think rainy weather will ever make me wannavisit a place. After reading this I feel like jumping on the first plane to Wales:-)

    haha... and definitely the following line will be among my nominations for the lines of the weeK "The rain lashed the pavement like some crazed madam punishing her disobedient slave"

  3. Petra Goláňová22 November 2015 at 08:07

    My favorite lines: Puddles, formed, puddles merged, puddles began to take over the world. Plastic bags, soggy leaves and small children whipped up by the wind and then thrown back and forth like a senseless fairground ride. Clouds loomed within touching distance, squeezing the space between heaven and earth. ...a squall of rain smashing into my window pane, then silence. The calm in the eye of the storm.
