section. See them in context by clicking here
Lines of last week is sponsored by Maggie's Milkman, the first novel from Gareth Davies.
1 The new shoes felt weird, like Joseph was wearing someone else’s legs.
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3 Crunch, sniff, pitter-patter. He felt that breeze on his cheek carrying the smell of slivovice and cigarettes.
4 Its gay colours were at odds with the grey, damp-leafed afternoon. The electric bars burned bright orange and the smell of lunch time’s burnt cheese on toast lingered in the stuffy air.
5 The trees on the sides of the road shook with the ferocity of nature unleashed; bending to touch their toes, then springing back catapult leaves and branches across the carriageways.
6 I watch his whiskers waver
in the whistle of his breath.
7 The curves don’t
but require
willpower to
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Extraordinary Rendition, the second novel from Gareth
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1 Ray clenched his fists again, just briefly, but enough for Jenny, my classroom assistant, to gasp.
2 I climbed out of the wardrobe and walked over to the window.
3 If Andy could, he’d have in Moses’s sticky toffee pudding, but there was CCTV everywhere. He’d never get away with it.
4 The countryside rolled away into the darkness and night brought a chill, a goose pimple cold.
5 the dark white
winter's night.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Maggie's Milkman, the first novel from Gareth Davies.
1 The government office in front of him seemed to snarl and scowl, accepting people reluctantly into its bowels.
2 The kind of bloke next door you could speak to about most things but never really get to know.
3 The tea swished in the teapot like a tsunami, the spout being its only outlet. It sprayed like a baby’s piss all over Jamie’s leg.
4 Why are the bastard biscuits always bloody broken?
5 Either his deadpan was so dead it was pushing up daisies or he wasn’t joking.
6 He looked around, but there was nothing that could help him inflict further damage on the car; no breezeblock or chair leg or child's doll left in the street .
7 as unfamiliar muscles
1 The government office in front of him seemed to snarl and scowl, accepting people reluctantly into its bowels.
2 The kind of bloke next door you could speak to about most things but never really get to know.
3 The tea swished in the teapot like a tsunami, the spout being its only outlet. It sprayed like a baby’s piss all over Jamie’s leg.
4 Why are the bastard biscuits always bloody broken?
5 Either his deadpan was so dead it was pushing up daisies or he wasn’t joking.
6 He looked around, but there was nothing that could help him inflict further damage on the car; no breezeblock or chair leg or child's doll left in the street .
7 as unfamiliar muscles
are asked to do
familiar things.
8 But this is no plate
tectonics, just simple
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by The Topical Poet, check out the poems here
1 concerned passers-by stopped passing by and came over to check that I was alright.
2 To be honest the passers-by had already got bored. There was no blood, no broken bones, there was no chance they could call the local paper or be interviewed by a local TV channel.
3 the phone was swiped from my hand by a blur of hoodie on bike.
4 Passers-by passed me by not interested in this adult tantrum.
5 A sustained attack left me tossing and turning and staring at my midnight ceiling for about three and a half hours.
6 Through blackness so beautiful it nearly sang. I drifted down, down, through the sanguine atmosphere of the unknown.
7 Knives, guns, knuckle dusters, baseball bats, all pretty offensive, but bin liners, really? They seemed rather agreeable to me.
8 and
caresses my pillow
like a goodbye note.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman and Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details here and here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by The Topical Poet, check out the poems here
1 got us from A to B and those Bs were scattered all over the place.
2 I was never really into guns and uniforms and the like. I had Action Men but they were just as likely to be cooking in my sisters’ Cindy kitchens as they were fighting the Germans.
3 I smiled and waved not realising my first mistake, and that was my second mistake.
4 The six-foot-eight man with arms bigger than my chest seemed to have shrunken into his own body
5 There must be someone he knew somewhere, they can’t all have gone to the other place.
6 “Did you ever hear her mumbling in Latin? Maybe stirring a big old cauldron? Polishing her broom stick?”
7 you couldn't even sex yourself
8 Still standing proud
despite the wanton destruction.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman and Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details here and here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by The Topical Poet, check out the poems here
1 She knew no one was looking at her, but she felt like everyone was.
2 It always amazed her how the layer of greasepaint changed her completely.
3 What dog owners don’t understand is that people who don’t like dogs, don’t like dogs.
4 I could almost see her synapses firing as she processed my words.
5 her cold,wet fingers gently interlocking with mine.
6 disgusting with a capital GUST
7 Becky lay on the floor with her arm squeezed deep in the hole between the floorboards and the wall.
8 She could imagine the creepies and the crawlies a creeping and a crawling in that little space.
9 Sometimes the penny
doesn’t drop,
1 She knew no one was looking at her, but she felt like everyone was.
2 It always amazed her how the layer of greasepaint changed her completely.
3 What dog owners don’t understand is that people who don’t like dogs, don’t like dogs.
4 I could almost see her synapses firing as she processed my words.
5 her cold,wet fingers gently interlocking with mine.
6 disgusting with a capital GUST
7 Becky lay on the floor with her arm squeezed deep in the hole between the floorboards and the wall.
8 She could imagine the creepies and the crawlies a creeping and a crawling in that little space.
9 Sometimes the penny
doesn’t drop,
because you
don’t want to let it go.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman andExtraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details here and here.
Only £1.99 from
Amazon and
Lines of last week is sponsored by Maggie's Milkman, the first novel from Gareth Davies.
1 But the evidence before me suggested I had come to a land of savages.
2 that meant you could get a kilo of zebra meat for less than a copy of a Sunday newspaper in the UK;
3 There's humiliation and then there's humiliation and this was humiliation.
4 I could just imagine the looks on the faces of the angels in heaven as they sniggered behind my back.
5 We needed a lot more than one step further, we needed a leap, a bound, a jump.
6 an ant, tiptoeing through the
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
And don't forget there have been a week of topical poems over on my Facebook page. With video.
12/09/20161 But the evidence before me suggested I had come to a land of savages.
2 that meant you could get a kilo of zebra meat for less than a copy of a Sunday newspaper in the UK;
3 There's humiliation and then there's humiliation and this was humiliation.
4 I could just imagine the looks on the faces of the angels in heaven as they sniggered behind my back.
5 We needed a lot more than one step further, we needed a leap, a bound, a jump.
6 an ant, tiptoeing through the
moss in a
neighbour’s garden.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
And don't forget there have been a week of topical poems over on my Facebook page. With video.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Extraordinary Rendition, the second novel from Gareth
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Only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords |
1 he could smell beer and tobacco, the very essence of fear
2 you go pissing off to bongo euro land and wasting our money on foreign shit.
3 the lights in the houses in the town were beginning to flicker on as daylight faded like a distant memory
4 shedding a state-sponsored tear for the unknown soldiers
5 The tram rattled through Zizkov allowing me to ignore the haunts of a previous incarnation of myself that roamed these same dirty streets and drank in the dingy pubs
6 The force with which the driver hit the brakes sent me flying forward out of my reverie and back into the twenty-first-century.
7 he woman in front of me was a professional pensioner.
8 he grumbled something in Czech that made his moustache quiver with fear.
9 But nothing lasts for ever,
and I looked on in dread.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Maggie's Milkman, the first novel from Gareth Davies.
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Only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords |
1 He'd been dead for exactly a week. He had a whole new life ahead of him.
2 Yes, you are the sound.
3 But the hair dressers couldn’t fix the crow’s feet around her eyes or the lines around her mouth.
4 the dangling genitalia of the dead
5 but something sinister
lurking on the horizon.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Extraordinary Rendition, the second novel from Gareth
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Only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords |
1 Who the hell questions someone with a terminal illness?
2 hops were stocking up on ice cream and cold drinks, when actually we all should have been buying shares in umbrella manufacturers
3 My arm was twitching and my fingers were curling into a fist.
4 home time was home time, whether you were fourteen or forty-three.
5 Screwing eyes tight shut
to squeeze away the hurt.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Maggie's Milkman, the first novel from Gareth Davies.
1 You can’t kill half of Castleton. This time ArtyMac kept the thoughts to himself.
2 Any other time I would have been wary of the shadows in the trees, but lust trumps fear, passion brings bravery.
3 at least laptops and iPads were not being burnt to a crisp like other people’s were on the plane at the far end of the runway.
4 The highly polished waist was criss-crossed with the scratches of time, the tip of the dome was slightly dented and the rim scuffed.
5 The wooden handle felt as good as it looked and the bell let out a gentle tingle as Pugh picked it up.
6 Behind me the carnage
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
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Only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords |
2 Any other time I would have been wary of the shadows in the trees, but lust trumps fear, passion brings bravery.
3 at least laptops and iPads were not being burnt to a crisp like other people’s were on the plane at the far end of the runway.
4 The highly polished waist was criss-crossed with the scratches of time, the tip of the dome was slightly dented and the rim scuffed.
5 The wooden handle felt as good as it looked and the bell let out a gentle tingle as Pugh picked it up.
6 Behind me the carnage
of passion;
love, hate and bolognaise
love, hate and bolognaise
strewn across the floor.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Extraordinary Rendition, the second novel from Gareth Davies.
1 Even when he was poorly he liked having little Barry stroked.
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Only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords |
3 What was the point of sleep if it didn’t work? I was considering taking mine back to the shop and asking for a refund, or a replacement.
4 The time was right, she was moving on. Only she wasn’t, she wasn’t moving anywhere.
5 your words carry
5 your words carry
as I hear them through your chest.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Maggie's Milkman, the first novel from Gareth Davies.
1 Three hundred people, but who would be cheering if he didn’t have money, if he wasn’t ![]() |
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2 The vast river had carried its fair share of blood and bitterness down the years, but for now its surfaces ran clean.
3 all adventures have to come to an end and I’d been running too long.
4 How was Mitch supposed to know that something in those bags would send up an acrid smoke that would choke half of Cardiff?
5 The menu said, cheese salad.
My taste buds said, yes please,
but on the plate in front of me
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Extraordinary Rendition, the second novel from Gareth Davies.
1 He preened and posed as if he was in front of a camera. He never managed to lose
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2 He couldn’t wait to get the kettle on, strip down to his boxers shorts and watch Pointless.
3 It must have been an hour since Helmut had taken his stinky breath away.
4 “Hello Tony,” his teeth almost knocked me out.
5 Couples swayed gently like trees on a summer's day.
6 Men were testing the waters with roaming hands, women were marking boundaries; some allowing freedom of movement, others with strict border controls.
7 Smile,
teeth yellow, etched
with history.
8 Kisses in chrome,
8 Kisses in chrome,
Monotone reflections.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Maggie's Milkman, the first novel from Gareth Davies.
1 They used to be like rabbits, but now they were more like pandas.![]() |
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3 Matty wished he could do what Cameron had done; resign and let someone else clear up the mess, but he doubted Jane wanted to marry Teresa May.
4 “I see,” Helmut said, he scratched his chin, his stubble crackled.
5 Even the tide had had enough and was on its way out, lapping the shore with dwindling enthusiasm.
6 the younger one was in no state to do anything; his hands were on his knees and his lunch was hitting the sand.
7 so I
have to make do
with the infidelity
in her eyes.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Extraordinary Rendition, the second novel from Gareth Davies.
1 Sometimes Barry Corby wished he was his own wife so he could experience what it was
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2 She dug her expertly manicured nails into the taut muscles of his back drawing blood and leaving marks that teammates would comment on the next day.
3 I was full of hope and excitement. I was entering the consumerist Nirvana, lured in by promises of relatively good quality clothes at bargain prices.
4 Normally such a sedate beast, the Welsh woman in Primark is primeval.
5 scared that the frost that was creeping across the window would creep across the seat and envelop me.
6 the stale smell of a million cigarette had permeated every nook and cranny of the compartment.
7 I'd managed to piece together most of last night from fragments of beer soaked memories that bought more shame and pity than pleasure.
8 one by one they’d drifted home leaving me alone with my own worst enemy, myself.
9 you changed your hair
I change my postcode.
10 Drifting away
fading into obscurity.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Maggie's Milkman, the first novel from Gareth Davies.
1 An army of women marching on their six inch heels.
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Only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords |
3 You didn’t often see armed men on the tinned goods aisle.
4 “Don’t try to be a hero missy,” the ugly man said. “You’re too pretty for that.”
5 Little kisses, his hands where they really shouldn't be in public.
6 I mean who would bother risking their life and limb, not to mention the safety of their loved ones, just so they could do something boring like reading a book?
7 A thousand hangovers
Crammed inside my
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Maggie's Milkman, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
Lines of last week is sponsored by Extraordinary Rendition, the second novel from Gareth Davies.
1 The pencil felt like a weapon in my hand. A force for good, a force for freedom. With that
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Only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords |
tiny piece of wood and graphite on a string, I could strike a blow for democracy.
2 I wanted to make waves, to maybe rock the boat, but there was no way I wanted to capsize the bloody thing.
3 I’m an animal, James thought to himself as he watched the police rip through his belongings like vultures tearing a carcass apart.
4 He was different yes, but that didn't make him a bad person. It just meant he didn't fit in, but he’d never wanted to fit in. Conformity didn't suit him.
5 They'd been brought up on a diet of cop shows and bake offs, James's behaviour was outside their comprehension.
6 It was like walking the gauntlet of school bullies; at any moment one could take a dislike to the way you walked, or your haircut and drag you away, possibly never to be seen again.
7 it was decided by the second Farage government that the front line of defence against immigration should have a distinctly British feel to it.
8 “Hello,” she breezily sings to each passenger as she walks down the aisle. “Hello, hello, hello.” The little dab is managing to put a smile on the faces of even the most grumpy of customers.
9 It looks like she’s multitasked out for a while. There’s two additional bags under her eyes suggesting that it has already been a long day.
10 Joe Ledley's super beard.
Did you enjoy these lines of the week? If you did, then please consider buying Extraordinary Rendition, only £1.99 from Amazon and Smashwords. More details available here.
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