Saturday, 15 December 2012

A complaint

Dear God,
How are you, I hope all is well. Congratulations on the great work you did with Earth, okay a few things have gone wrong, but not sure we can blame you for that. May I say how wonderful the moon was yesterday evening?
I am writing to you with a small complaint that I am hoping you can do something about.
I was lying in bed cuddling my girlfriend last night and it dawned on me that we humans have a basic design fault; two people don’t seem to be able to cuddle each other comfortably when lying down. I know you are the all-seeing-eye so I am sure you know what I am talking about, but I will try to explain just in case you missed it.
She had her head on my chest, my arms were around her and one of hers around me but she couldn’t get her inside arm comfortable at all. Had she put it underneath me, her hand would have gone dead, so she just had to dangle it down the side. There is a magnetism between us that makes us want to cuddle, so we tried two or three other positions but there was always the same arm problem.
I realised it’s probably too late for the current model, but is there anything you can do to correct this design fault in the future?
Looking forward to your reply.
P.S. Do aliens exist?

Dear John,
Thank you for contacting me, I am glad you like my work on Earth I must admit I am quite proud of it.  And yes the moon did look lovely last night, so glad you liked it.
Although I am omnipotent, it is more a monitoring brief therefore I was not aware of your specific problem last night so thank you for outlining it for me. In fact, you are not the first one to bring this fault to our attention and our designers are already working hard on a way to evolve a solution to it. We hope to put the new model into production very soon. 
On another note, I see you say girlfriend and not wife. You know that I take a dim view of this type of behaviour. I hope to see you rectify this matter in due course.
Thanks again for your letter.
Yours FAITHfully
P.S. I am afraid I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of aliens. 

Now with added Video Solution 


  1. Haha! - love it!

  2. May I say how wonderful the moon was yesterday evening?:-)

    with the moon so bright yesterday this should be an archive story today:-)

    by the way, this link explains "blue moon" - now i think i know where the idiom "once in a blue moon" comes from

    1. however beautiful it might have been, now I only want it to wane and disappear and never come into my sight again:-(

  3. Petra Goláňová5 July 2015 at 22:47
