Thursday, 10 January 2013

Blue boy 2

For the life of me I couldn't remember her name. But I knew I knew her and when I say knew her I mean really knew her if you get my drift. Twice, two nights, back in 96 or 97, consecutive weekends, a 10 to 2 dance, a fumble outside the club, back to my place, (or was it hers?) an awkward Saturday morning then an escape. Not my finest hour and I would dare say not hers either but fun and we were young and why not? She was watching me, probably trying to remember where she knew me from, trying to remember my name. Actually now I thought about it the Saturday mornings hadn't been that awkward. In fact she'd been a good laugh and made a cracking bacon sandwich, and to be honest, I really had meant to call her, why hadn't I? I could be such a prick at times. Anyway she was watching me now and I couldn’t help watch her watch me. What the hell was her name? She was sitting with two female friends both with their back to me. Her table was about 10 metres away. I had to admit she was looking good, time had been kind to her. 16 years a lot of water had flowed under the bridge, I wondered about her life, husband, kids, job, I was about to find out, she was only bloody coming over. She stood in front of me and smiled. She had a huge mouth, a massive toothy smile. I honestly think she was more beautiful now than she was then. Aware my friends were gawping I stood up and said hello, subtly moving her away from my table. It was then she spoke.
'Remember me, I'm the one who had your baby's eyes.'
I laughed, I'd forgotten but that had been my chat up line. I know, I know it’s shit, unbelievably shit but I was being ironic and she had got my humour.
I can't remember how it happened exactly but I had told her that she had to dance with me because she had my baby's eyes. She'd laughed, told me to fuck off but in the kind of way that said if you do fuck off I'll kill you. So we'd danced, you know the rest. The next week in the same club we'd avoided each other until chucking out time. But when the 'slowies' came on she'd come to me and delivered that self same line, the line from the blue boy song, or so we thought. It was years later that I discover it didn't actually say that, although I am still not sure. We danced again, fumbled again and again you don’t need me to tell you what happened next.
Now 16 years later I was looking at her, what to say? I couldn't remember her name, I didn't know jack shit about her, my laugh had gone on a little too long. Then it came, her name was Veronica. TBC

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