Friday, 5 August 2016

Poetry Friday 5 - A bonus

For audio click here

A little bonus poetry Friday. 

Pure Welsh Gold
Cra Cra Cra Cra Craaaa
Fucking hell.
Fucking Seagulls.

This is a poem version of one of my stories this week. The River

The River
Cool clean water. 
Sparking in the sunshine. 
The blood, the bitterness 
with the flow of history.
A gardener's broom, 
Old, yet new, 
A link to the past, 
refreshed everyday.

Hmmm I wonder if this would be better in a different order. I do like an anagram poem.

The River
Cool clean water. 
Sparking in the sunshine. 
A gardener's broom, 
Old, yet new, 
A link to the past, 
refreshed everyday.
The blood, the bitterness 
with the flow of history.

The next poem is a true story. A tragic story, a silly poem. 

Cheese Salad
The menu said, cheese salad.
My taste buds said, yes please,
but on the plate in front of me
is a mound of grated cheese.

No tomato, radish, cucumber.
There's no sign of lettuce leaves.
No, on the plate in front of me
is a mound of grated cheese.

No Camemberts, or Roqueforts,
no Stiltons and no Bries
No, on the plate in front of me

is grated Cheddar cheese.

Will there be a poetry Friday next week? We'll have to wait and see. 

 For previous poetry Friday's click here and here and here and here


  1. I like poetry Fridays :-)

    1. Hope you enjoy short story rest of the week too :-) I think there is a good chance there will be at least one more poetry Friday and maybe two.
