Friday, 2 December 2016

Poetry Friday 22

For audio click here 

We're back again. This is just getting ridiculous now. It was meant to be two weeks not twenty two weeks. We're starting with a very old one.

Interior Design
The décor of your heart
Was once painted in my colour,
My shade.
You were happy with the pattern,
The paper.
Nothing in the world would make you change,
Or redesign.

Then one day just out of the blue
You met an interior designer

Who talked to you and cajoled you
And showed you plans,
Of how things would look
With a new lick of paint,
And fresh paper.

I give you credit
You didn’t make up your mind
You thought about it long and hard.
And then called in the decorators.

The décor of your heart
Is now in a new colour,
a new shade.

Are you happy now?

Lightning nights
Lightning nights
Nature’s neon
lights the sky,
rips the clouds

Frightening nights
rain pounds
parched tarmac
more deafening than

Enlightening nights
wash away
the doldrums
stormy skies bring


If I gave you my love,
would you give it back to me,


Join me next week for Poetry Friday 23, if this bohemouth continues.

Please if you enjoy these stories share them with friends, family, book agents, etc.. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram :-) Thank you.  

1 comment:

  1. like the rhythm, the accentual nature of the second one: starts with cretic metre but then some lines are like amphibrachs, spondees, molossuses, iambs, trochees
