Friday, 18 October 2013

Louise's Story

Warning - in red it must be serious - this stories contains themes of an adult nature. 

This is a response to a previous story, please click on the links in the story to see the original. 

Hi, ‘Louise’ here, recognise the name? Yeah that’s right I’m the one that was apparently ‘sexually enlightened by Cosmopolitan’. I’m sorry I couldn’t just standby and let him get away with his ‘fiction’ without giving my side of the story. So here goes.
Let’s first of all clear something up, my name is not Louise, but as he wants to change the names to protect the innocent and as he was always obsessed by Lloyd Cole.  let’s call him Lloyd. I met Lloyd when I was 20, he was just a bit younger. He was my third lover and just for the record, I certainly knew what the ‘mystical beast’ was long before I met him; both the single beast and the beast with two backs. Of course I didn’t tell him that, he knew he wasn’t the first but I didn’t tell him about the ease with which Mitch brought be to orgasm; I didn’t want to destroy his ego. But I suppose what Lloyd said is true, it did rather become a mission, although I would argue it was driven by him not me.  I suppose we’d both fallen for the Cosmo hype. And although somewhere deep down I knew it was wrong, I thought I was a modern, liberated woman and demanding an orgasm was my human right. I was ready to trade in Lloyd and his well-meaning fumbling for a better, slicker model. Like a chairman of a football club I offered him my full support in public while secretly thinking about firing him if results didnt improve. It’s stupid now I come to think about it; Lloyd was a caring, sensitive, if rather clumsy lover, but because there was no orgasm we felt we were failing. There’s been plenty since that didn’t have the patience or desire to satisfy me like he did, but just because he had the desire to do something didn't mean he got results.

As you get older you learn to see through Cosmopolitan, you learn to live your life for what it is, not for what it could be in their land of make believe. But it sounds as if Lloyd is still as obsessed with the Holy Grail as he was 20 years ago. So some advice Lloyd, switch off, go with the flow, enjoy the moment for what it is not for what might or might not happen. Escape the tyranny of the climax.


  1. I feel sorry for Lloyd... I am sure they just weren't created for each other.... maybe there was no love and no true desire, just curosity and task to be fulfilled ... i am sure he maneged to fined a woman to give the orgasm, too...

  2. .... switch off, go with the flow, enjoy the moment for what it is not for what might or might not happen:) - That's the essential part of the process + you should love someone or at least "be in love":)

  3. too much thinking and even overthinking as well as looking for perfection in such situations kills spontaneity and instincts... and leads to frustration... let's go with the flow:)

  4. If today's story is about tyranny, maybe the archive story should be about the tyranny too? A different one though:-)
