For audio click here
So we've reached number 17 and I know there will be an
18 and 19.
3 poems this week and a new font!
The first one is where my Teapot Story started. I wrote the poem in a writers' group where we were challenged to
write a piece about being led through a forest blindfold.
I wrote this and then decided to write the poem.
On Walking Blindfold
through a Forest
A single twit, no twoo.
Tiny flakes of snow on my cheek,
slivovitz and cigarettes.
Still no twoo.
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
Slivovitz and cigarettes.
I need to scratch my leg,
I really need to scratch my leg.
I can feel a thousand tiny feet
pitter-patter up my calf.
Still no twoo.
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
Slivovitz and cigarettes.
The trees creak in the breeze.
The feet are climbing, climbing,
Tiny flakes of snow on my cheek.
Slivovitz and cigarettes.
Still no twoo.
Slivovitz and cigarettes.
Sniff, sniff.
The trees creak in the breeze.
Still no twoo.
Tiny flakes of snow on my cheek.
slivovitz and cigarettes.
Moustache Clinger
Grampy’s hot chocolate
is going cold
I watch his whiskers waver
in the whistle of his breath.
The skin on his drink
is grey and wrinkled
like the skin on his face.
I stir constantly,
to make sure the skin doesn’t form on mine.
And then drink from the spoon
because no one is watching.
With a snort, a snuffle, a sniff
Grampy is awake.
‘Oh hot chocolate,’ he declares
as if it’s a surprise.
He takes a mouthful
and smacks his lips.
The skin clings to his
Non Muse
distraction from
my work.
The curves don’t
but require
willpower to
A happy medium
or large.
A smile
so delicate
and hair so…
No! Tear
yourself away
from her charms
and concentrate
on the matters in hand,
not affairs
of the heart.
So that's poetry Friday 17 done. More next week for sure.
Please if you enjoy these stories share them with friends, family, book
agents, etc.. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram :-) Thank you.
the link to the audio...
DeleteThanks. I really like the first poem (although I did not like the storyline of the whole series). It's onopatopoeic richness makes it a real sensual experience... as does the second poem although different senses are involved... as for the third one, it's cutely sensual too, but you'd better lock your girlfriend in her bedroom while you are working (or just tell her not to send you too many pics of herself if she is far away) because your readers must get a fresh supply every day. It's your responsibility and you must be an effective and prolific writer.
DeleteMy Friend Dave once said I was expert at wistfully watching girls in cafes. I think the third poem reflects more a chance encounter than a long term relationship.
DeleteOh I was only joking:-D but your reply makes me think that expert wistful watchers must have really generous and capacious hearts to be able to hold numbers of girls.