Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Pokémon Gone

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This works as a stand alone story but it might work better if you've read yesterday's. Click here for the link.

So there I was, standing in the middle of St David's shopping centre staring at my palm where my new iPhone seven used to be. I was wondering if this feeling of loss that I had was for the six hundred pound iPhone or for the Mr Mime and Bulbasaur that I'd caught just before the phone was swiped from my hand by a blur of hoodie on bike. I say wondering, but actually I knew, it was my Pokémon go account that I’d miss most. Fuck the phone, that was insured, but I might never get those creatures back.
 It all happened so quickly, so bloody quickly. There I was throwing my balls at a Pikachu and then suddenly whoosh, the phone, the Pikachu and Mr Mime were gone. The three things I hold most dear in life disappearing off into the distance, never to be seen again. 
How bloody pathetic? Bloody pathetic. A man of very nearly 46 crying streams of tears because someone stole his Charmander. But right then, it hurt, it really bloody hurt, I sank to my knees and began to curl into the foetal position. Passers-by passed me by not interested in this adult tantrum. I pounded the floor with my fist, frustrated by the injustice of it all. Eventually, two burly security guards in orange ties came to my aid. 
“C’mon sir,” one of them said, his voice wavering between the sympathetic and the stern. “Let’s go to the office shall we.” They both took an arm. I tried to make myself heavy, but they were far too strong for me. 
“It’s not fair,” I sobbed. “It’s not fair. Why me? Why bloody me?” I cried as they dragged me through the mall. Passers-by gawked at me as they went, pointing and laughing at the man in the suit having a breakdown right in front of their eyes. 
“What did I do to deserve this?” I sniffed. 
“Calm down sir, it’s only a phone.”
“You don’t understand,” I cried. “No one understands. It’s my bloody Pokémon.”
The two security guards plonked me in a room and told me to wait for the police. Then they left me there with my head in my hands while mumbling to each other about me needing a good slap. 
When I finally looked up I found I was in some sort of control room. In front of me were monitors showing live. CCTV footage. I stared at the screens and there, just outside the shopping centre, by the Hayes Cafe an old woman got off her bike and smiled. She put down her hood and handed a phone to a skateboarder. He touched about three buttons grinned a huge grin and I knew in that instant, that my Pokémon world was gone. 

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