Monday 8 April 2013

Out of the sun

Another one of my stories that integrates lines from one song. Can you guess the song? Answer at the bottom. Check out Let's Dance for a teaching idea based on this concept.
It’s times like these that I wished my tired feet were fire-proof. The underground was so hot, so airless that I was half expecting to spontaneously self-combust. I was on the underground but even for the people walking above it was too hot to do anything. It was the kind of day weather forecasters called glorious, gorgeous, beautiful from the sanctuary of their air-conditioned studios. There was nothing glorious about the smell of BO, nothing gorgeous about the constant drip drip of sweat and nothing beautiful about sound of the carousel of opening doors and moving trains. By rights I should have been indoors, out of the sun, stripped down to my boxer shorts, a cool lemonade by my side and the cricket on the TV. But despite being hot and sweaty and stuck on a crowded train there was the smallest of smiles on my face. In ten minutes time I thought to myself I’ll be free, in ten minutes, I’ll be in the shade, by the river, in ten minutes on a blanket with my baby is where I’ll be. 

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