Thursday, 4 April 2013

The Test Part 2

For part one of this story click here - that also has the cubes for this story.
Thank you to the person who suggested this different angle. 

‘So he took you to feed the ducks and then he dumped you?’ Claire’s voice was full of incredulity. Lisa nodded.
‘Who the fuck takes a girl to feed the ducks and then dumps them?  A lovely romantic gesture and then a killer blow; is he mad?’
Again Lisa just nodded letting her best friend blow off some steam.
‘Sorry mate but you are better off without him, he sounds like a right dick… and you have no idea why he did it?’
Lisa shook her head. ‘Nope, just all of a sudden after we’d started throwing bread at the birds, he adopted this Clint Eastwood look, became all remote and just spat it out.’
‘I bet he thought he was being all moody and cool.’
Lisa smiled, Claire was right that was exactly the look  he was trying to achieve.
Claire took a mouthful of beer. ‘So was anything different, did you do anything weird in bed? Anything odd about the night?’
‘Well not really, the only odd thing was that there was money on the floor of his apartment, not a lot, loose change, about £3.50. Just on the floor like it had fallen out of his jeans. I was going to pick it up but then I decided not to. I mean I didn’t want to look like I was tidying up after him, or nagging him like I was his mother or something.' Claire nodded  
'I wanted to be his lover not his mother. So I just made a joke about being rich enough to throw money around and left it there.’
‘That can’t have anything to do with it, I reckon he’s gone back to his ex.’
Lisa winced, no girl likes to be left for an ex, but she had to admit Claire was probably right. Not even a man who takes a girl to feed the ducks to dump her would be stupid enough to break up with someone over money on the floor.


  1. it's all about communication. People just don't talk to each other openly enough.... we all live in the worlds full of assumptions we create.
    And now each of the characters goes their own way, knowing their own truth. But they could be so good together, couldn't they?

    1. I agree, this is a silly story with a made up test, but so often people forget to talk :-)

  2. He felt lonely, he was longing for love but he was so scared of it. She fell in love with him which was her only (but big)offence. The test was just the rational excuse to feel less guilty. And after dumping her, he hated her even more because we often hate people for the things we have done to them.
