Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Resurrection Part 3

This is part 3 of the Vinny the Diamond the Resurrection Story for the whole story click here

Georgina sat by her grandfather, he was going to live - there was life in the old dog yet. They couldn’t say whether he’d make a full recovery or not but the signs were encouraging. He looked so grey, so old, so limp that Georgina could barely believe the doctor’s words.  She squeezed her papa’s hand. She’d been crying but the tears had stopped, her papa would not want her to cry, he’d want her to think, to keep a clear mind, to keep focus. Her mind had been on hold since the stroke but now it was working again.
How the fuck had they let Vinny get away? Okay so she and her brothers had been preoccupied but her father’s driver and Stefan were there and neither of them had acted. Now that Diamond idiot could be anywhere and plotting their downfall. They had to get to him before he got to them. But where the hell was he. She also had to deal with the driver and Stefan. She knew the driver had to go, he was getting fat and lazy, if only she had a hitman like Vinny to take care of it. As for Stefan well he’d need to be taught a lesson, but he was only young, he could learn. Maybe she could get him to take care of the driver; that would show her if her little bodyguard had any balls, it would also make him a man.
She’d sent her brothers to Vinny’s flat but he was long gone. None of the girls had seen him, Kat, Eleanora, Anna on the one side or anyone on the other. He’d disappeared with that money and those stones. Be she knew he wouldn't have gone far. She cursed his name; she knew it was crazy but she blamed him for her papa’s stroke, she hated that thieving bastard. She wished she’d twisted that knife a little further and a little harder.  When she found him she’d make him wish Father Chirstmas had had time to pull the trigger.

This is part 3 of the Vinny the Diamond the Resurrection Story for the whole story click here

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