Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Lotte's narrow escape.

Lotte’s mum lit a cigarette and Lotte leaned in to inhale the smoke her mother exhaled. She craved her own cigarette but it was impossible in front of her mum and dad who probably knew she smoked but would never allow her to do it in front of them.
As she felt the second hand nicotine hit her blood she felt some fingers on her spine and was aware of a gaggle of boys around their table. 
‘Hey good to see you,’ the boy with the fingers said.
Lotte and her mum and dad looked up from their meal with a ‘who the hell are you looks’ etched on their faces.
‘Sorry, I thought you were someone else,’ the boy said quickly before hotfooting it away from the scene of the crime.
Her dad was laughing, he called the boys jokers and started telling stories about things he did when he was their age. But Lotte squirmed in her seat, so nearly caught! She felt herself flush as she tried to avoid her mum and dad's gaze. Feeling his fingers on her back had sent a shock wave through her body and had turned the clock back 21 hours.
At 17 she really was too old for holidays with her mum and dad, at home on a Saturday night they'd let her go out with her friends where she'd smoke and drink till all hours. But here they wouldn't allow her to go out alone. So, when she was sure they were asleep, she'd snuck out and gone to the disco that she’d read about being full of summer school students.
Hans was at the bar when she ordered her Bacardi Breezer. He’d smiled his Harry Styles smile at her. Man he was cute! It wasn't long before they were kissing and he had his paws in places no one had ever touched her before. Hans by name hands by nature. When she said she had to go, he walked her home and she could tell he wanted to come in, but with her parents next door and paper-thin walls and gossipy hotel staff she just couldn't risk it. So they left it there with promises of Facebook friends. 
Lotte’s father was wondering aloud what 'joke' the lads would play at the next family they saw.
But Lotte knew this wasn’t a joke. When Hans had touched her it wasn’t who the hell are you writ large on her face but what the hell are you doing here? Luckily he’d read her well and thinking quickly had played the mistaken identity card. Her parents had bought it, her mother was now joking that he wasn't a bad looking lad and it was a shame he thought she was someone else. Meanwhile Lotte's heart rate was beginning to get back to normal. 

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