Thursday, 14 November 2013

Modern Day Cinderella Part 4

This is part 4 of the Modern Day Cinderella Click on the numbers for parts 1, 2,

Selim sat in the car waiting patiently. His two goons were primed and ready, Selim knew they were experts but there was still a few nerves around. They’d done this type of thing many times before but never in a foreign country. Back home no one ever saw anything but here the stakes were higher, there might be a do-gooder passing by who would stop and help or someone ready to take down the registration number and phone the police. Selim certainly didn’t have a ‘get out of jail free card’ here like he did back home.
It was a simple procedure. They’d wait till she came out of her building and then the goons would sidle up to her while the car drew along side. In a blink of an eye, the quarry would be ushered into the car with no fuss, no drama. Experience told them that the element of surprise and the speed of action usually rendered the target speechless for long enough to make it all look so innocent.  That was usually, but this time Selim knew that this girl was no ordinary victim; she was made of a different stock. She might not come so quietly.

But Selim needn’t have worried. His men were good and within seconds of spotting her, Belinda was sitting next to him in the back of his Limo.  If there was one thing that surprised him though, it was her reaction. The next step in the process was to use a sedative to knock out the victim but Selim always liked to wait a few minutes before administering the drug. Just so the captive had a chance to see who had taken them and realise what was happening. In those few moments victims tended to kick and scream but Belinda was calm, like she’d been expecting him. She appraised him with eyes that sent a shiver down his spine, part lust, part fear. Gone were the loving, sexy eyes that had seduced him weeks before. Now those same eyes were filled with… Selim wanted to say hate but it wasn’t hate. Was it contempt, pity, scorn or just a confidence that this would be over soon?

What had he been expecting? Certainly not a welcoming party in her eyes, but not quite the cold, calculating stare he was getting now.   It didn’t last long though, one of the goons stuck the needle in her leg and Belinda was soon sleeping like a baby.

Belinda flitted in an out of consciousness for the next few hours. But now she lay wide wake on a palatial bed in a room that was probably bigger than her whole apartment. She tried to put together the vague memories into some order.  She remembered the goons and the car and Salim. Bloody Selim, she should have known that that fool would come back for her. He’d pretended to be hard as nails but was putty in her hand during the weekend they’d spent together. She looked around and wondered where she was. She had memories of airports so guessed she may have been brought to his god forsaken country somewhere in Central Asia. She swore quietly to herself – she always knew she played a dangerous game but thought herself immune to the dangers.

What did he want though? If he’d wanted to kill her, she’d be dead by now so that left either punishment or marriage. Marriage? She looked at her hand, there was a bloody ring on her finger. Memories were beginning to surface, she tried to fish them out of the whirlpool of her brain.  Shit, shit, shit the bastard had drugged her and married her.    

The door opened and she saw the unmistakable figure of Selim come into the room; her husband! She hated the bastard, wanted to gouge his eyes out. He watched her watch him and smiled. She had to calm down, she had to be smart. She was on his territory now. If she attacked him, she’d be dead within minutes. No this required a different tack. If she’d used her beauty to get herself into this mess, then she could use it to buy her freedom. And after all Selim was one of the better lovers, so it could be fun.
But she wouldn’t give it away, not straight away anyway but she’d tease him and please him and manipulate him and before he’d know it, she’d be gone again.

For Part 5 go here 

1 comment:

  1. The recordings are a great bonus to your stories. The best thing about them is that your don't read the transcripts exactly the way they are written. It says a lot about the way we speak and especially about lexical priming. There's always the most natural way to say things, the most natural collocation, which just automatically slips out of your mouth. But when you write, you use a slightly different word order, uniques combination of words .... fascinating :-D
