Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Short Story Poem Podcast 3

As I am away this week and might not have time to write a story  I am doing something a bit different. I’m sharing with you my short story poems. A short story poem is a sort of combination of a poem and a short story. I am not really a poet but I hope these make you smile.

My Client gives me the creeps
I hate the way he looks at me
Like I’m some chocolate factory.
He’s not listening to my financial advice.
He’s thinking that my tits look nice.

It’s flowing
And I’m positively glowing
And going
To the toilet
A lot!

The Jobless Trilogy

Why have I got these qualifications?
I can’t find any justification.
My certificates don’t impress a soul.
I’m trading them in for toilet roll.

Neighbours (this is the name of an Australian soap opera) 
No future no prospects and no hopes
We’re just palmed off with Aussie soaps.

Three years in college to learn to say;
Would you like fries with that?
Have a nice day.

I hate you
she said
but the smile

said something else.

Find day 1 here day 2 here day 3 here day 4 here and day 5 here


  1. what ever makes u think that Mr Davies .....I hate you !..... ;) lol

  2. hate is so close to love
    it is indifference that is the worst
