Friday, 18 July 2014

Short Story Poem Podcast 5

As I am away this week and might not have time to write a story  I am doing something a bit different. I’m sharing with you my short story poems. A short story poem is a sort of combination of a poem and a short story. I am not really a poet but I hope these make you smile.

So drunk
As a skunk
Or another
Conveniently rhyming
Cos when
Did you last see
a skunk
I rest my case.

Tea for two
but you
have gone
so tea for me,
that’s tea for one.

High Cholesterol
Hi Cholesterol
goodbye bacon.

I have to say
the way
she wears her dungarees
makes my knees
go weak.
My heart
beat faster.
I can't see passed
her beauty
a cutie in dungarees.

The Wilds of Facebook
He only comments
on his girlfriend's posts
once I've already commented.
Classic animal behaviour;
marking territory.
Reminding me,
who's alpha male around here ...
or so he thinks.

Love’s like a paternoster.
It has its ups and downs
but it never stops.
And it’s made for two people

but sometimes a third squeezes in.

Find day 1 here day 2 here day 3 here day 4 here and day 5 here 


  1. Waltzers, rellercoasters, dodgems, paternosters :-)

  2. Lots of inspiration for poetry last year. Maybe you could write something for those sizzling in the sun in their gardens, longing for a cool breeze or a splash of water or someone's heart of ice :-)
