Griff’s hangover was so bad he could hardly move, it was a real triple-header, head, mouth and stomach. The throbbing pain in his frontal lobe didn’t seem natural, he massaged his temples to try to ease the discomfort but another surge of agony washed over him. His mouth was so dry, he’d only taken a swig of water seconds ago but already his tongue was like the Gobi desert. Meanwhile waves of nausea flooded over him as his stomach tried to deal with the excesses of last night. To make matters worse the sun was beating through his window and the neighbourhood dogs were barking their morning symphony. It was only 8.30 but it was already 28 degrees and it could only get hotter and hotter. Griff lay as still as he could, trying to decide if it would be best to throw up, trying to decide if he could get to the bathroom in time.
Had it been a good night? To be honest he couldn’t remember, he tried to
think but that hurt his head. It felt like his brain had been bruised. Memories
were beginning to come back there’d been singing, and dancing, and lots of laughter
so he guessed it had. He smiled, but the change in facial expression hurt his
head. Then he remember the girl, god what was her name? Alice, Alison, Alicia,
he couldn’t remember. He could remember
her though, she’d looked like the lead singer of that band, Skunk Anansie,
tall, slim, black and bald, very bald. They’d danced, they shouted over the
music, she’d smiled and given him her number. He sat up in bed, but he’d moved
to quickly, the thoughts of Alice, Alison, Alicia, had momentarily cured his
ills but the movement was too much for him. He had to get to a toilet.
Griff staggered back to his bed, shivering from the sweat that had been dripping off him
moments before. He felt a wee bit better but his body ached liked he had been
hit by a car. His head still throbbed and pounded but his stomach felt better.
He wondered what Alice, Alison, Alicia, would think of him if she could see him
now. He found his jeans and routed around for the piece of paper she’d scribbled
her number on. He fished it out and looked at it. It said call me, a number, a
smiley and a kiss, but no name. How could he call her if he didn’t know her
name? Who would he ask for? What would he say? Another wave of nausea hit him,
and the hammer in his head pounded another nail into his brain. Griff felt
weak, like he wanted to weep. She was all I want he thought to himself but now
she was gone because of a night of hedonism.

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