Friday, 12 December 2014

A Slow Day

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Clouds hung in the sky waiting to empty their contents on to the streets below. The only question was would it be rain or snow that fell on the people going about their daily routines on this bitterly cold day? The lights turned from green to amber to red as Charlie approached them, but that didn’t concern him, he wasn’t going very fast, he never did, so he felt there was no danger. On he trundled, across the stop line and into the junction, 20 miles an hour tops but he still caused cars to swerve, breaks to screech and horns to blare. Cold pedestrians looked up to see what the fuss was all about, and saw a red Peugeot 306 clear the crossroads and continue on oblivious to the chaos it had caused behind it. Angry and frustrated drivers moved off wondering how no fenders had been bent or rears had been ended.
A cold looking man with a bright red nose took his phone out of his pocket and dialled a number. The Peugeot had been millimetres from running over his toes and he was not about to let the idiot driver get away with it.
The police turned on the blue light and signalled to the driver of the red Peugeot to pull over. Charlie was only travelling about 20 miles an hour but there was no way he was going to stop. He ignored the flashing lights and the frantic gestures of the boys in blue and happily carried on his way. 
‘Is he having a laugh?’ One copper said to the other. ‘What’s this, a low speed chase?’
‘I’ll cut him off.’ The other said, not in the mood to play games.
He waited until the coast was clear and then overtook the red car and pulled in, forcing the driver to brake.
‘Step out of the car please sir.’
Charlie looked at the policeman and then did as he was told. Snow was beginning to fall from the slate grey sky.
‘Did you not see us?’ the policeman asked shivering a little in the cold.
Charlie nodded. ‘I saw you’ he said.
‘And the red light?’ The copper asked wishing he was back at the station drinking tea, not dealing with some smartarse in the snow.
Charlie signalled again that he’d seen that too.
‘So why didn’t you stop?’ The tone of voice suggested the officer was losing patience.
‘I didn’t think I had to as long as I was going slow.’ Charlie said.
‘Where on earth did you get that idea from?’ The officer could barely disguise his contempt.
‘This!’ Charlie showed the policeman his mobile phone.
‘Sir’ the office had to fight the urge to punch the man in the face. ‘a Facebook meme does not override the laws of the land.’

Charlie looked genuinely shocked as the cop wrote him a ticket and told him to be at the station with his documents within the next 48 hours.

Wondering what Charlie showed the cop, this is a genuine picture from facebook recently. 

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